Our Family

Our Family

Thursday, May 6, 2010

My Dishwasher Works!!!

I have an incredible new appreciation for my dishwasher today. It is running right now, a loud sound that a few weeks ago would have made me crazy (it's really loud), and I have not heard a sweeter sound in a while. It is the sweet sound of me not doing the dishes. It broke a few weeks ago after a power surge and finally, today it is fixed. Mike the repair guy has been to our house about 4 times now in the last few weeks. I'm not sure if he is going to be able to function normally now that he does not have to come back to visit us any more - hopefully.....

Here are some pics of the kids at the Dallas Arboretum last week. We have gone at least once a year with Rebecca and Jaxson since the kids were babies. The kids weren't being to cooperative with the picture taking this day, so there are only a few.

We were at the park this morning and there were 2 girls Halie's age there playing together. Halie asked them if she could play with them and they said "no". It was so sad, she was really hurt by it. It made me really sad to see, but unfortunately it's life and there are always going to be mean girls. A few minutes later another sweet little girl came to the park and Halie happily played with her for the rest of the time. I'm glad I could be there with her for one of the first rejections and we could have a good teachable moment about it. She left the park happy, so I was happy!
Austin had a pretty bad diaper rash the other day, so I decided to let him go diaper less for a few minutes after his bath. He was in Halie's room for less than a minute and managed to pee and poop on the floor and then step in it. I learned that he does not like to have poop on his foot, he cries until it is cleaned off.


  1. This made me cry and then laugh! Balance is always good! The pics are adorable!!!!

  2. that makes me so sad too!! that kinda happened with avery yesterday and it was kinda mirroring how i was feeling-kinda left out of the grown ups and she was kinda left out with the kids but when i asked her if she was having fun she smiled so big and kinda faked it so i would think she was happy (which was what i was doing for her) and i just got in the car and cried! its so sad when you see them being left out or unhappy but trying to be brave!! its def a good lesson though. and God is always there when we feel lonely. it makes me so sad reading about the wailing wall too and the loneliness of those people. its just amazing how God chose us to know Him and we get to grow in Him everyday. i just think its so amazing what yall are doing this summer and love reading all about what you are learning and how you are growing!! Love yall!
